Monastery News

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February 11th: Surprise Snow

Over the night of February 10th–the Lunar New Year 2024–we received a generous amount of snow in the Chama Canyon Wilderness. We are grateful for any amount of moisture in the desert Southwest. Last night’s snowfall measured in at about half a foot. This morning we got to use use our recently acquired snow blower on our brick walkway between church and the reception building (lobby, Guestmaster’s Office, Giftshop, Art Gallery and Guest Refectory). We also cleared the way for nice snow-free paths from the church to the Guesthouse and Ranch House (part of our Guesthouse). Today’s sunny skies will likely melt any residue snow along the paths.

Thankfully we are staying well and enjoying the “change of scenery,” which won’t last too long, as we are already presumably past the coldest temperatures of Winter.

With this comes our warm regards and prayers for all of our families, friends, benefactors and oblates. A blessed week ahead.

Abbot Christian and the monks

January 31st: Chapter Room

Every day, rain or shine, we monks gather in the chapter room at 8:30 am. There we hear announcements from the Abbot or if another monk has an announcement, such as a request for help in a work project or a request for prayers for someone in need, a family member or friend, for example. Following announcements, if there are any, we finalize the work details of the day.

The Abbot then reads the chapter, or a portion of the chapter, of the Holy Rule of Saint Benedict assigned for that day, and makes a brief commentary. The name “chapter room” or “chapter house” derives from the place where monks hear a “chapter” of the Holy Rule read to them each day. It is an important element for keeping in mind the Rule of Saint Benedict that we follow as monks in community.

After the Abbot’s commentary on the Rule, we listen to the names of the monks and nuns of our Subiaco Cassinese Congregation who have died on that day, some stretching back to over a century, and others as recent as last year. We then sing Psalm 129, the “De profundis,” which begins, “Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord,” a fitting prayer for remembering all the faithful departed. The gathering concludes with chanting the prayer “May the angels lead you into Paradise,” then we go to church and pray the Office of Terce, the first of the “Little Hours.”

The morning “work meeting,” as we call it, in fact encompassing a number of elements, normally lasts about fifteen minutes. Today’s photo is of our chapter room, before or after our meeting, with the lights turned off!

We keep you in our daily prayers and are grateful for yours.

Abbot Christian and the monks

January 27th: Beauty in Simplicity

Men, including monks, are not always famous for “clutter-free” environments, but we try to do so here, with some areas in the Monastery better at this than others. For us, the corridors within the cloister, connecting our various buildings, are an opportunity to promote ordered spaces, which hopefully fosters peace, freedom of movement, even joy, as well as the possibility to focus on where one is going and not being distracted by “junk” along the way.

Especially as a community composed of young monks and elders, we need to be careful to avoid stumbling going from one space to another. Throughout the day we go to church, refectory, chapter room, mail room, laundry, etc., and the corridors are the conduits for doing so. Their ordered simplicity keeps us on the right path.

Saint Benedict calls the Monastery a “House of God” (Domus Dei in Latin). Keeping that concept in mind should inform how we treat what we have.

We in the Northern Hemisphere are hopefully not too far from the arrival of Spring, a traditional time of “cleaning,” and an opportunity to think about what we might not need and pass on to others what could be useful to them, and superfluous to us. Thrift stores, Goodwill and the like, are such places that might gladly receive our goods. As the old saying goes: “One man’s scrap is another man’s gold.”

With this comes our greetings and prayers. We are grateful for yours as well.

Abbot Christian Leisy and the monks


January 25th: Good Chefs

While we’re neither a hotel nor a spa, we do routinely enjoy healthy and savory meals, prepared by our monks. In today’s photo, Brother Chrysostom (who wears many hats here), and Father Zachary (who also wears many hats here), are preparing lunch, stuffed peppers. We rotate the cook each day, normally having only one cook on weekdays and two on Sundays. Father Zachary is our Kitchen Manager, preparing the menus, the shopping list for each week and often lends a hand to the cook on various and sundry occasions.

We also have brothers who often bake bread, rolls and pies.

We try to honor the natural talents of our monks but also know that cooking and baking is something that can be learned. One of the aprons in our kitchen reads “Real Men Don’t Use Recipes.” On the other hand, it is not considered an error to consult a cookbook. We have a good collection of these.

As Julia Child, the famous chef, always used to say: bon appetit!

Abbot Christian and the monks

January 22nd: Winter Cactus

Popularly called “Christmas Cactus” (technically termed Schlumbergera), because they usually bloom around Christmas time, we have several of these potted plants inside, flowering nicely just now. They are all in front of large (double-paned) windows along our cloister walk to church, enjoyable to see and adding a reminder of things to come, that is, warmer weather and more flowers on our property in the months ahead. Our many indoor plants are usually placed outside, from May to September.

We’re taking a guess that the coldest days of winter may already be passed, but fairly certain more snow will fall over the coming weeks and months. In any case, we are always grateful for precipitation in any form, to give the earth its much needed nourishment.

With our large greenhouse in Saint Fiacre Field now fully constructed, the raised-beds will be built soon and we look forward to growing produce and flowers there. Outdoor growing is an uphill climb, as competing with God’s creatures great and small is never easy in this part of the world. Even high fences the deer can easily leap over. Smaller species, such as rabbits, have no fear of entering our gardens either.

A blessed week ahead and with this comes assurance of our prayers. Please keep us in yours. Thank you.

Abbot Christian and the monks

January 20th: Having A Hay Day

During the winter months, our livestock (sheep, donkey and horses) depend on hay we purchase from local ranchers, some of which is on display in today’s photo, ready to be stored at the “Good Shepherd Inn,” as we call our sheep and donkey barn. Sometimes the “transition” from eating fresh grass in our pastures during the summer and fall, to baled hay later in the year can be a little slow for the livestock, but pretty quickly they adapt and consume the baled hay with gusto.

We are enjoying very pleasant days just now, though always in anticipation of snow or rain, welcome at any time in the Chama Canyon wilderness. Recent snowfall has pretty much melted, creating some amount of mud during the day on Forest Service Road 151 leading to the Monastery. at such times we always advise traversing the road with four-wheel or all-wheel vehicles.

With this comes our warm regards and assurance of prayers. We are grateful for the support and kindness of so many friends, near and far. May all who travel be kept safe. Blessed Sunday and week ahead!

Abbot Christian and the monks

January 19th: Abundance of Sun

While nighttime temperatures in the Chama Canyon can drop to freezing or lower during December and January, thankfully after sunrise they can rise to the mid or high 40s by noon. We are blessed with an abundance of sun throughout the year, and no less so in the winter months. Days are shorter than summer, of course, but we are still able to enjoy the solar gain for our electrical system which is completely off the grid.

Our church is heated by radiant heating, that is, hot water running through pipes under the floor. This is a method used by humans for millennia. Our system is more sophisticated than what you find on the hilltop ruins of Masada in the Holy Land, for example, but the principal is the same. In our case, the water is heated using solar panels and then mechanically pumped from the boiler room to the church, kitchen, refectory, reception lobby, laundry etc., at the Monastery.

Brothers are staying well, with no “common colds,” the flu or covid at present. For this we are grateful. Some brothers are visiting family at this time, something we have as a possibility every two years.

We are now preparing for the return of guests for private retreats in the month of February. May all who come here be received as Christ, as Saint Benedict reminds his monks.

Be assured of our daily prayers and we are grateful for yours.

Abbot Christian and the monks

January 10th: New Prior at La Soledad Monastery, Mexico

Abbot Christian has named Brother Elias Sanchez Chavez as the new Prior of the Monastery of Our Lady of Solitude (La Soledad), near San Miguel de Allende, in the State of Guanajuato, Mexico. Brother Elias succeeds Father Ezequiel Bas Luna, who has served as Prior of La Soledad for the past many decades and is now taking a well-deserved break. Thanks to both of these monks for their good zeal and willing service to the community of La Soledad!
In today’s photo, Father Ezequiel is in the center, back row. To his left is Brother Elias. The La Soledad community used this photo as their Christmas greeting for 2023.
La Soledad was the hermitage of the founder and first Prior of Christ in the Desert, Father Aelred Wall, where he lived from 1973 until his death in 1984. After his death, the hermitage expanded into a full-fledged monastery, as a dependent monastery of Christ in the Desert. Both our monasteries live the Benedictine life of prayer, work and reading in beautiful settings, offering hospitality for private retreats at the monastery.
At one point in time, the monks at La Soledad adopted the color blue for their habits, as part of their special dedication to Our Lady, whose “color” is blue.
To Father Ezequiel, thanks and prayers. To Brother Elias, assurance of support and prayers in his new assignment.
Abbot Christian and the monks of Christ in the Desert

January 6th: Wild Kingdom

A young mountain lion from across the Chama River has been eyeing our flock of sheep and even gave them a “run for their money” in broad daylight. However, intrepid guard-donkey Matty chased away the predator for now, but that’s  no guarantee the lion won’t return.
We are truly surrounded by the grandeur of God, evident in the landscape and in the many creatures, great and small living in our vicinity. One of the monks took this photo shortly after the mountain lion had chased the sheep.
A blessed celebration of the Epiphany of the Lord, recognized by Magi from the East, bearing gold, frankincense and myrrh, gifts befitting the King of kings and Lord of lords.
We keep you in our prayers and we count on yours. Thank you.
Abbot Christian and the monks

January 3rd: Christmas Continues

It is still Christmastide, up to the Feast of the Epiphany (the visit of the Magi) on January 6th, and concluding on Monday, January 8th with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. After that we return to “Ordinary Time” until Ash Wednesday on February 14th this year.
This means that for now our Nativity Scene and poinsettias remain in church, the outdoor lights are illumined at dusk and the refectory is still decorated with candles, greenery and the large Christmas tree.
The new civil year has begun and we pray for peace among all people of good will. Every morning at Lauds we pray that the Lord may “guide our feet into the way of peace” (see Gospel of Saint Luke, chapter 1, verse 79). May that be an aspiration of us all.
This January at the Monastery we are using the days for an increase in prayer and solitude. Our Guesthouse will be open again to private retreatants at the beginning of February.
We’ve decided to limit the number of guests on retreat at any one time to twelve, to improve the experience of those on retreat and to hopefully  promote the atmosphere of recollection and the balance of prayer and work for monks and guests alike.
Be assured of our prayers and please keep us in yours. Thank you.
Abbot Christian and the monks

December 26th: Joy to the World!

The Savior reigns. Don’t forget: Christmas has just begun. Don’t cease from celebrating at least until the Epiphany on January 6th/7th.
With assured of our prayers for a blessed Octave and beyond, the twelve days of Christmas.
Abbot Christian and the monks

December 20th: Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Mass Schedule

On Sunday, December 24th, at 9:15 am, Mass of the Fourth Sunday of Advent.
Same Day, at Midnight, Christmas Midnight Mass.
On Monday, December 25th, at 11:00 am, Christmas Day Mass.
May all have a Blessed and Merry Christmas! You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Abbot Christian and the monks

December 14th: Not Snowed In

We were happy to receive a dusting of snow over the night of December 13th. Moisture in any form is always welcome here, especially in these recent years of drought conditions.
Often we’re asked if we get “snowed in” when it snows, but the answer is, no. Normally snow does not prevent us from traversing Forest Service Road 151 leading to and from the Monastery. As we always state on our website, four-wheel or all-wheel vehicles are strongly recommended when there is rain or snow, and we too only use four-wheel vehicles in these instances.
The Advent Season of 2023 is moving along rapidly and soon it will be Christmas. May we prepare our hearts well for the coming of Christ, who save us. May our preparations for the great Solemnity of Christmas not be frantic, but peaceful.
Be assured of our prayers, especially for safety for all who travel at this time of year.
Abbot Christian and the monks

December 8th: Newly Professed Brother Savio

Our Brother Savio Vu made his definitive “yes,” by pronouncing solemn vows of obedience, stability and conversion of life, and receiving the monastic consecration as a Benedictine monk, on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.
In addition to his monastic community, a number of friends were also present for the Conventual Mass of Monastic Profession on December 8th at 11:00 am.
Distinguised guests included Brother Savio’s uncle, Father Benoit Vu, pastor of the parish of Saint Joseph in Springer, New Mexico, approximately four hours from us.
Only an hour away is the parish of San Juan Nepomuceno in El Rito, New Mexico, whose pastor, Father Joseph Nguyen, was present too. El Rito is where there is a medical and dental clinic that we regularly visit.
After the 11:00 am Mass, lasting about an hour and a half, at approximately 1:15 pm we enjoyed a splendid Vietnamese meal prepared by our Brothers John Baptist, Martino and Prior Bonaventure, as well as oblates Tom and Angie Nguyen.
We rejoice in the continued growth of our monastic community and for Brother Savio’s commitment, and appreciate your prayers for Brother Savio, for all his needs and intentions. Thank you.
Abbot Christian and the monks

December 1st: More Moisture

We are now receiving more moisture in the form of snow in our canyon. We are grateful beyond words for this, and while it’s an inconvenience for those traversing Forest Road 151 leading to the Monastery, with the recommendation that only four-wheel or all-wheel vehicles be used at this time, the much needed nourishing of the earth is always welcome.

Brothers are staying healthy and hopefully happy at this time, as we move into the winter months. Our private rooms and common areas (church, refectory, chapter room, kitchen, etc.) are heated, so there is no great hardship, even when the temperatures drop and snow or rain falls.

Today’s photo was taken inside our cloister, surrounded by the quadrangle of rooms of the monks.

The holy season of Advent begins this Sunday, leading up to Christmas on December 25th. May all our families, friends, benefactors and oblates have a blessed preparation for the commemoration of the Birth of our Savior later this month.

As usual, we will have midnight Mass on December 24th/25th, as well the Day Mass on Christmas day, Monday, December 25th. That Mass will be at 11:00 am.

With assurance of our prayers and grateful for yours,

Abbot Christian and the monks


November 27th: Silence Made Visible

We were happy to wake up the morning after Thanksgiving Day to freshly fallen snow. Moisture is much needed in this part of the world, and we have been praying for it. We now have another reason for giving thanks. In his book “The World of Silence,” the Swiss philosopher Max Picard (1888 – 1965) refers to snow as “silence made visible.” It is still seems a very apt description.
As is often the case here, the snow is already melting, so we’ll need to await another “installment” to arrive, but any reduction to the possibility of forest fires, for example, is always welcome.
We are now in the final days of the Liturgical Year and preparing for the season of Advent which begins next Sunday. Time flies, as they say, and it’s hard to believe that the year 2023 is drawing to a close.
We continue to pray for peace in places living in conflict or war, and for better days ahead.
Be assured of our prayers and please keep us in yours. Thank you.
Abbot Christian and the monks

Advent and Christmas Newsletter From the Monastery of Christ in the Desert 2023


The word “shepherd” is both a noun, as in a person who tends sheep, as well as a verb, as in the action itself of tending sheep. In other words, every shepherd has to shepherd his flock!

Sacred Scripture is replete with references to shepherds and sheep, though not as agricultural imagery for its own sake, but used to speak about the reality of leaders and followers, most especially considering God as a shepherd, and human beings the flock that God tends.

Perhaps the most famous reference to God as shepherd is found in the Old Testament Book of Psalms, the twenty-second psalm, which begins with the words: “The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want.” What an apt and fitting description of God for those who believe in and place all their trust in God.

That doesn’t mean, of course, that life is a piece of cake, for the same psalm also says: “If I should walk in the valley of darkness, no evil would I fear.” Why not? Because God is ever-present to offer “goodness and kindness” to all who face life’s inevitable challenges, setbacks and tragedies.

The theme of this year’s Christmas Newsletter is “Shepherd,” both in its reference to a person– specifically to God–and in the concept of shepherding a flock, such as an abbot, parent or teacher is expected to do. And for the monastic community, children of parents or students of teachers, there is a special vocation for those who are being led by shepherds, hopefully along the right path.

In the Christmas season we also reflect on specific shepherds cited in the Gospels, where the good news of the birth of Christ is announced by angels to shepherds tend- ing their flocks outside of the little town of Bethlehem, the place of Jesus’ birth. When they hear the news, the shepherds made haste to go and see the one who will in time call himself the Good Shepherd. We can presume that not all the shepherds went to see Jesus, for some one or more of them must have stayed behind to keep watch over the sheep momentarily abandoned by the shepherds going to Bethlehem.

I’ve sometimes wondered if the stay-behind -shepherds were any less joyful or privileged than the ones who ran to see the infant Jesus. Presumably not, and consoling words from Saint Paul for them and us are these: “Al- though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and rejoice with an indescribable and glorious joy, for you are receiving the outcome of your faith, the salvation of your souls” (1 Peter 1.8).

And who knows, maybe in fact the stay-behind-shepherds got to go to the stable once the first group of shepherds returned to the sheepfold.

Saint Benedict expects the abbot of the monastery to be a good shepherd of the flock and to shepherd well those in his care. It is not an easy task, speaking from five years of experience at the job thus far, but it is not an impossible task, and greatly helped by willing brothers and a solid structure of monastic life. The grace of God should always be sought by shepherds, and willingly accepted.

The prayers of the brethren and of many others is always greatly appreciated as well.

May the coming of Christ, recounted at Christmas, received in Holy Communion and awaited at our death and with the return of the Good Shepherd at the end of time, console us as we continue on our pilgrim way to the House of the Lord.

A blessed, joyful and Merry Christmas to all!

Abbot Christian Leisy, OSB


From October 9th to 13th this year, Abbot Christian and seventeen other abbots, Priors and delegates of the monasteries of the English Province of the Subiaco Cassinese Congregation, to which Christ in the Desert belongs, met at the Benedictine Abbey of Saint Scholastica, Subiaco, Italy, some forty-five miles from Rome.

The weather couldn’t have been better for the “Provincial Chapter,” as it is officially called. In addition, the hospitality of Abbot Mauro and the monks and lay staff at Subiaco was superb.

It was at Subiaco that Saint Benedict began his monastic life in a cave, around the year 500 AD. Today, Subiaco is one of the most beautiful shrines in Europe and the home to some twenty-five monks.

It was also at Subiaco that Saint Benedict inaugurated his first full-fledged monastery and several satellite communities before eventually moving to Montecassino, where he died in 547 AD.

The recent Provincial Chapter of the English Province was an opportunity for fraternal exchange and sharing news of the fifteen monasteries represented at the gathering, as well as preparing for the next General Chapter of the entire Subiaco Cassinese Congregation, which will occur in Spain during part of the month September, 2024.

Following the General Chapter of our Congregation next year, which will be at the Benedictine Abbey of Montserrat in Spain, there will be a Congress of all the Benedictine abbots of the world, taking place in Rome.

The “many meetings” described above normally happen only every four years. The pandemic threw the usual scheduling off, but we Benedictines should be “back on track” for scheduled gatherings in the Fall of 2024. ✠

Father Bernard Cranor, OSB

1931 – 2023


Father Bernard Cranor, OSB

On September 11, 2023, our dear confrere, Father Bernard Cranor, died peacefully at the Monastery. He was ninety-two years old and lived a very long and fruitful life, first for a short time as a Trappist monk in Utah, then as a Dominican friar for many years, then as a monk of Christ in the Desert the last several decades of his life.

Father Bernard was from California, born on July 30th, 1931. He professed vows as a Dominican friar on April 29th, 1953 and ordained a priest on June 9th, 1962. Subsequently he obtained Doctorate in Liturgy in Paris.

In our community, he was one of our cooks, librarian for many years, teacher in our formation program, creator of photo cards and postcards. He kept busy until the last year or so of his life.

We commend Father Bernard and all the faithful departed to your prayers. May the angels lead Father Bernard into Paradise! ✠


On September 28, 1968, fifty-five years ago, our Monastery church, dedicated to Saint John the Baptist, was formally blessed as the place of worship for the monks of Christ in the Desert and its guests.

We would like to share a few of the comments made on this day in the homily by Abbot Christian Leisy, OSB.

“Since that day thousands of Masses, recitation of the Divine Office, private prayers as well as Professions of temporary and solemn vows, ordinations, and funerals of monks and many other events have occurred here and continue to be celebrated in this holy place.”

It is wonderful when we can use a specific place – a church, a chapel, a prayer room, or prayer corner – for rendering to God our regular service.

Today we should also recount and pray for the eternal repose of the souls of those responsible for getting this church built, especially Fr. Aelred Wall, our first Prior, George Nakashima, the architect of the building and the many benefactors.

This is a reminder that our places of communal worship are important, and a reminder that all human beings are a sacred reality, a place where God dwells, and nourishes us with the Word and the Eucharist which we are celebrating here, now and every day.

“…so that in all things God may be glorified.”


Father Thomas-Benedict

Father Thomas-Benedict and Rosco take a walk

What is your name?

Father Thomas-Benedict.

How long have you been a monk at MCD?

I have been a monk at the monastery since 2000.

What were some of your challenges being a monk at MCD during your time here?

Always community. Either the pain or the glory it remains a challenge that I happily accept.

What changes have you witnessed during your time here at MCD?

I was first introduced to the monastery in 1978 when there were Brothers Philip and Christian and other monks. There were wood-burning stoves. The liturgy was different, too.

Who is your favorite saint, and why?

Benedicta of the Cross, Edith Stein. I am moved that she could have saved herself through acceptance into a convent in Switzerland, but her sister was refused admittance to the same convent. Therefore, she stayed with her sister and was seized by the Gestapo and shipped to the concentration camp at Auschwitz. Survivors of the death camp testified that she helped all other sufferers with great compassion. She was sent to the gas chamber, where she died with her sister.


Short Fiction

By Brother Chrysostom

Monastery Navajo-Churro Sheep

Aziel and Bered could see Emmett in the distance herding his small flock of sheep down a gulley then upward toward a hill summit. The two decided,

as dusk changed to darkness, to make camp on an opposite hill within eyesight of Emmett’s apparent resting spot for the night. The heat of the rocks from the day’s hot sun provided comfort to the shepherds and sheep. The desert air began to cool and the wind lifted sand higher and faster through the twilight sky. A large stone, like a misshapen loaf of bread, and a smaller stone at a sharp angle touching it, served as a wall of shelter. The small fire they started with twigs and brush from nearby bushes and dead trees created large black silhouettes of themselves on the surface of the bread stone. Aziel’s head wrap and flowing cloak cast an unrecognizable shadow on the smooth rock that startled Bered.

“You look like some wild beast,” Bered said.

“Leave it to you to be scared of shadows,” Aziel replied.

After he attended the fire, he began to unwrap the parcel of dates, figs, olives, bread, and cheese that Talia, his wife, had packed for his journey.

“Olives! They are so hard to find. King Herod’s buyers are ravaging all the nearby markets. Does he ever tire of giving large feasts?”

“My Talia knows of olive trees not even King Herod knows about.”

Aziel picked up a fat olive from the parcel and placed it in his mouth. He chewed and spat the pit into the fire.

“And you smell bad,” Bered added. He pulled his camel hair coat and simple head cloth tighter around his body for warmth.

“A man can’t smell himself,” Aziel said.

“Emmett fell behind. He’s different. He seems worried,” Bered said.

“Can you blame him? His wife is with child. He knows the pain of Job.”

“Your words carry meaning I do not understand,” Bered said.

“Father Abraham, help me,” Aziel said.

Both men were silent. The sheep were gathering closer together below them. An occasional kid would bleat. The crackling of the fire and the whistling wind between their two-rock domicile prevented total silence from encompassing them. Emmett on his lower hill cried out to Aziel and Bered and waved his arms. He was barely visible to them, even with the moon’s glow between lumbering clouds.

“You didn’t hear about Rehabiah?” Aziel asked. “No, who is she?”

“Emmett’s wife. They say she is barren. A Benjamite woman from north of Bethlehem.”

“Oh. What if she can’t bear children?”

“He could take another wife. He loves her, though. She is with her tribe in the north these last months. Emmett has not heard news of a baby. God be merciful.”

“Shalom Aleichem!” Emmett cries out. He was some distance away from their fire the men calculated, judging by the sound of his voice.

“Shalom!” Aziel shouted back.

“How will he know?” Bered asked. The pair spoke in hushed, confidential tones.

“He’s been asking the others. No one has any news.” “He’s so sorrowful. Can’t we head north and find out?” “Eloheynu, forgive him! You fool, how can we go north when we are headed east? Do you want

to overburden the sheep? The terrain is too rocky with little grazing. Emmett will have to be patient and long-suffering.”

“He will eventually know the truth.”

“Yes, but it will not be us who announces it.” “Then who?”

“The Almighty knows.”

They could hear Emmett’s heavy breathing and foot- steps on the loose stones leading to their encampment. They stopped talking. Aziel quickly wrapped up the food that he was eating. Bered did the same with

his food. Now was not the time to be hospitable and share. They both did not want this harbinger of bad tidings to linger in their midst for long. He had more than enough woe for both of them.

Emmett’s form emerged from the darkness, the light of the fire reflected the dirty white strips woven into his dark cloak and brown tunic. His beard was matted with sand. There was a deadness in his eyes. “Shalom, Emmett, why have you left your flock?” Aziel asked.

“Shalom, Aziel, I will return shortly to it. I come for news from up north. Have you traveled from Ekron or Jamuth?”

“No, we are from Hebron, heading close to Bethle- hem. We hope to reach Gilgal within a few days.”

“Oh, I see. Any news of my Rahabiah? A son?”

Bered drew circles in the sand before the fire. Aziel looked at the stars that had gotten brighter with each passing hour. He then looked at Bered and then back at Emmett.

“No word?” Emmett asked.

Aziel was silent. Emmett looked at Bered. Crumbs from the bread crust Bered was eating clung to his black beard. Bered continued to draw circles in the sand with his staff.

“No good tidings, yet” Aziel said. Bered looked at Aziel and inhaled deeply.

“I have lost all hope of good tidings. My wife is barren. I will not be blessed with a son.”

“Have faith, Emmett. May the Almighty be with you,” Aziel said.

The interview was stopped when the shepherds noticed Aziel and Bered’s flocks beginning to cluster. The sheeps’ heads could be seen through the gloom all pointing east. The sheep became still. The shep- herds heard no bleats, not even from the kids. A light in the distance grew in strength from behind the loaf stone. As they stood up and turned to look behind them and beyond the stone, the desert wind ceased.

All three shepherds gazed into the blinding light, shielding their eyes with their hands and cloaks.

“Is that singing?” Bered asked. His knees buckled. His body shook.

“Protect the sheep,” Aziel whispered. The sheep remained still and silent.

Aziel kneeled beside Bered. Emmett remained standing. Awash in this brilliant light of awe and peace.

His despair could not let fear into his heart. Now, love warded off his despair for his and his family’s future. He smiled at the legions descending upon them.

Emmett felt a gentle touch from the blinding glow. Some child, the Prince of Peace, the Everlasting Father, was born in Bethlehem. A multitude of swirling voices sang energetically that heaven and earth rejoiced because of this child. Emmett closed his glistening eyes. Behind his red glowing eyelids he had a vision of his beautiful Rahabiah…and his three-week-old son. ✠



November 16th: Nearing Completion

Construction of the new greenhouse in our lower pasture is nearly completed. It will provide a spacious place to grow produce and flowers throughout the year. A generous grant from the Catholic Foundation of New Mexico greatly assisted us in realizing the project.
For a number of years we have realized that a greenhouse is our “only hope” for our small-scale gardening, since the deer in our canyon routinely “raid our gardens,” day and night, especially at night! As they are capable of leaping enormous heights, even fencing around our gardens has proved futile.
The new greenhouse has large sliding doors at both ends and the membrane covering of the rest of the building should serve us well as a truly protected enclave for growing.
We look forward to start planting once the beds and watering system is completed. Hopefully that will be in February of next year.
Since the greenhouse is in our “Saint Fiacre Pasture,” the greenhouse will likely carry the same name. Saint Fiacre is a patron saint of gardens and gardeners.
With this comes our greetings and prayers. Please keep us in your prayers. Thank you.
Abbot Christian and the monks

November 11th: Saint Benedict’s Cave

Some forty-five miles from Rome, at Subiaco, Saint Benedict began his monastic journey around the year 500. His life as a hermit eventually blossomed into a community, then many communities, that to the present follow the “Rule for Monasteries,” composed by Saint Benedict.
Today, on every inhabited continent of the world (which means, not on Antarctica), men and women, young and old, “seek God” according to the Benedictine way, as monks and nuns, oblates and those with less formal connections to our monasteries.
Christ is the Desert is among the “younger” monasteries in the world, founded nearly sixty years ago, which will be celebrated next June 24th.
Only one of the original founders of Christ in the Desert is still alive, now as a retired priest in the Bay Area of California. The rest of our founders, and a number of monks that followed them, have reached the end of their earthy sojourn. May the angels lead them all into Paradise!
November is traditionally the month of praying for all faithful departed. On November 13th we recount the death in 1984 of our Founder and first Prior, Father Aelred Wall. Next year will be the fortieth anniversary of his death and we continue to be deeply grateful for his zeal and  the efforts he took in beginning this monastery.
At this time we remember in prayer all who have gone before us “marked with the sign of faith,” as the Catholic Liturgy expresses this truth.
Today’s photo was taken in the tiny cave at Subiaco where the youthful Benedict dwelt for some three years. The marble sculpture depicts Benedict in prayer inside the “Sacro Speco,” the holy cave. Saint Benedict, pray for us.
Abbot Christian and the monks

November 6th: Monastic Retreat

This week our community will be taking its annual retreat, days of greater solitude and prayer here, as well as listening to two conferences each day, one in the morning and one in the evening.
Our retreat-giver this year is Brother Ernest Miller, FSC, a member of the Order usually known as the Christian Brothers.
Brother Ernest’s theme for the retreat is: “In Unity with the Holy Spirit: ‘renew the face of the earth.'”
Please keep us in your prayers as we take the “pause that refreshes” and heed more fully the Lord’s call to “Come, follow me.” Thank you for your prayers.
Our Guesthouse is closed this week, but visitors are welcome during the day and the church is open for private prayer.
The Giftshop will be closed Monday the 6th, but open the rest of the week, from approximately 10:00 am to 3:30 pm.
A blessed week to all. You will especially be in our prayers during these days of retreat.
Abbot Christian and the monks

"Let everyone that comes be received as Christ."

— The Rule of St. Benedict

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