This week our community will be taking its annual retreat, days of greater solitude and prayer here, as well as listening to two conferences each day, one in the morning and one in the evening.
Our retreat-giver this year is Brother Ernest Miller, FSC, a member of the Order usually known as the Christian Brothers.
Brother Ernest’s theme for the retreat is: “In Unity with the Holy Spirit: ‘renew the face of the earth.'”
Please keep us in your prayers as we take the “pause that refreshes” and heed more fully the Lord’s call to “Come, follow me.” Thank you for your prayers.
Our Guesthouse is closed this week, but visitors are welcome during the day and the church is open for private prayer.
The Giftshop will be closed Monday the 6th, but open the rest of the week, from approximately 10:00 am to 3:30 pm.
A blessed week to all. You will especially be in our prayers during these days of retreat.
Abbot Christian and the monks