On June 7th, the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, our Father Zachary Nelson made his solemn profession and received the monastic consecration, becoming a permanent member of the chapter of monks of the Monastery of Christ in the Desert. Numerous family and friends of Father Zachary came from New Mexico, California, Spain and Mongolia to share in the festive day.
Father Zachary is a talented singer, cook, gardener and homilist, to mention the most obvious. He now also serves as Prior of our Monastery.
In today’s photo he is holding his document of profession of vows of obedience, stability and conversation of life, which we monks profess.
We have been greatly blessed with the solemn professions of four monks over the past four years, men who genuinely have vocations to our Monastery of Christ in the Desert and show good zeal for our Benedictine life of prayer and work. Ad multos annos to all of these men!
Please pray that others will come to take up the Benedictine way in this spectacular setting of the Chama Canyon wilderness. Thank you.
Abbot Christian and the monks