Day Visitors

You are most welcome to visit the Monastery.

You are invited to attend any of the liturgical services being offered while you are here (see the daily schedule). There is also a gift shop with a number of articles made by the monks of the monastery, as well as quality religious and art objects. You may walk the monastery grounds in areas not marked “private” for monks only.

Hours for visits

The monastery is open for your visit on weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. On Sunday, these same hours for visiting are available to you and Mass (holy Eucharist) is 9:15 a.m. (See the daily schedule for the other times of liturgical services.)

Gift Shop hours

The Gift Shop is open to all visitors and overnight guests on Monday through Saturday, 9:15 am to 5:00 pm, and on Sunday, 10:30 am to 11:15 am, and at 1:00 pm to 3:45 pm.


Visitors are encouraged not to bring their pets. If that is not convenient, all dogs must be kept on leashes and may not enter any of the buildings, except for service animals.


The monastery is located 75 miles north of Santa Fe and 53 miles south of Chama, via U.S. Route 84. Click here for directions.


There are rest rooms available in the Guest Center and bottled water is sold in our gift shop. However, meals are only provided for overnight guests.

More Images from Christ in the Desert

You can get a good sense of what it is like to be here by taking yourself on a tour through our slideshows.

Current Road Conditions

Saturday, January 18th, 4:00 pm

Forest Service Road 151 leading to the Monastery is completely dry and passable.

Please note that the Guest Houses at the monastery are closed during the month of January, but we remain open to day visitors.

Low clearance vehicles should use caution navigating the rutted portions of the road.

All-wheel drive vehicles are advised. Also, there are cattle roaming in the canyon. They often stand in the road, especially at night.

For those who travel on the road, please be aware that there may be traffic traveling in both directions on the road, so round curves with caution. Drive slowly (20 MPH) and be courteous, allowing faster traffic ahead of you. Simply pull to the side of the road and let them pass.

Safe and peaceful sojourns.

Map / Driving Directions »

Meet Our Guestmaster

If you have questions about visiting us, feel free to contact, our guestmaster, via telephone at (575) 613-4233, or by using our contact form. Guide for Guests

Lodging and Reservations

Overnight guests are also welcome at the monastery.