Mass Intentions

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERARequests for Masses are gladly accepted at the Monastery of Christ in the Desert. An offering of $10.00 for each Mass is the standard stipend, determined by the United States Catholic Bishops.

Masses requested for specific days can not be guaranteed due to the volume of requests and available priests to say masses for the intention. Masses that can not be said within one year are sent to supporting monastic houses around the globe.

Request Form

I would like Mass(es) offered for:

the good intentions of (living person)
the good health of (living person)
the eternal repose of the soul of (deceased)

(These are private and will only be shared with the Mass celebrant.)

Mass Card Recipient

We can mail an elegant printed card or an email notice to whomever you like.

Select an option:

Your Contact Information

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Discover
  • JCB
  • Diners Club


An offering of $10.00 for each Mass is the standard stipend, determined by the United States Catholic bishops. You may increase the amount if you would like to further support our work.

  (3 or 4 digit code)