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Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Scripture Readings: Book of Sirach 27:30-28:7; Romans 14:7-8; Gospel According to Matthew 18:2121-35 This Sunday’s Scripture readings are focused on the topic of forgiveness. It is something we probably regularly think about and actually do, when we forgive family or...

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September 15th: Bighorn Sheep

Not seen every day here, but more frequently than fifty years ago, Bighorn Sheep are another natural wonder in the high desert of New Mexico. Today's photo was taken by one of our monks while on a trip to town on September 13th. The majestic ram in the photo was...

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September 11th: Fr Bernard Cranor, OSB, RIP

Today our dear confrere, Father Bernard Cranor, died peacefully at the Monastery . He was ninety-two years old and lived a very long and fruitful life, first for a short time as a Trappist monk in Utah, then as a Dominican friar for many years, then as a monk of...

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September 8th: Summer Subsiding

We are already feeling a definite "cooling down" in the mornings, with temperatures in the mid to low 50s. By afternoon, the mercury climbs to the low 80s. To everything, there is a season. We continue our daily round of prayer and work and welcoming people for days...

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Twenty-third Sunday In Ordinary Time, Year A

Scripture Readings: Ezekiel 33:7-9; Romans 13:8-10; Gospel According to Saint Matthew 18:15-20 This Sunday’s first reading from the Prophet Ezekiel and the Gospel passage both consider the difficult topic of “fraternal correction,” as it is often called; that is,...

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September 3rd: Our Blue Moon

The psalmist, writing thousands of years ago, had this to say, presumably while pondering the wonders of God's creation: "The heaven's proclaim the glory of God and the firmament shows forth the work of God's hands. Day unto day takes up the story and night unto night...

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September 1st: Monks and Roses

The German Benedictine nun, Gertrude of Helfta, now known as Saint Gertrude the Great, who lived from 1256 to 1302, once made a very insightful observation about Benedictines. One day in contemplation, Gertrude considered Saint Benedict and his followers under the...

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August 31st: Summer Sky

The days fly by, at least for us in the Chama Canyon wilderness. Summer skies hold their own beauty at this time of year, most especially at sunset. The days are now visibly growing shorter and daytime temperatures are "only" in the mid-80s. That's cooler than several...

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Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Scripture Readings: Prophet Jeremiah 20:7-9; Letter to the Romans 12:1-2; Gospel According to Saint Matthew 16:21-27 Today’s Gospel passage gives us more insight into who Jesus truly is and what he had to undergo for the salvation of all people. Important to keep in...

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August 26th: Awaiting Rain

After a very fine downpour a week ago, we've seen very little rain since. Some days appear promising with regard to moisture, as in today's photo, but then nothing comes of it. In any case, we keep praying for more rain. We continue indoor and outdoor projects to...

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Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Scripture Readings: Prophet Isaiah 22:15,19-23; Letter to the Romans 11:33-36; Gospel According to Saint Matthew 16:13-20 In the Gospel passage for this Sunday, Jesus poses a crucial question to his disciples: “Who do you say that I am?” The question implies that...

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August 20th: Fruits of Rain

We are finally getting some rain and are very grateful for the gift. Roses are blooming in the cloister garden and Easter lilies are lining up nicely for a third flowering. The first was at Eastertime, the second was in late Spring, and now the third in mid-Summer....

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August 18th: Community Recreation

Each Tuesday and Thursday evenings the monks gather for about 20 minutes for a period of "recreation," as it is called in monastic culture. The time consists of simply relaxing and speaking, enjoying one another's company in what is usually lively conversation. We...

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August 15th: I Lift Up My Eyes To The Mountains

Today's photo is another view from atop the mesa behind and above our monastery buildings. Clouds are forming, but we still await the arrival of rain, very much needed in the great Southwest. It is hard to believe we are already in mid-August and celebrating the...

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Twentieth Sunday In Ordinary Time, Year A

Scripture Readings: Isaiah 56:1, 6-7; Romans 11:13-15, 29-32; Gospel According to Saint Matthew 15:21-28 It should be safe to say and not a heresy to conclude that Jesus was at least mildly bothered by the persistent Canaanite woman in the Gospel passage for this...

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August 13th: Franciscan Friends

Having just celebrated the feast of Saint Clare of Assisi, the close collaborator of Saint Francis of Assisi, on August 11th, we also called to mind the fact that we have many friends from the various branches of the Franciscan family, including Franciscan Friars of...

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Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

Mass Readings: First Book of Kings 19:9,11-13; Romans 9:1-5; Gospel According to Saint Matthew 14:22-33 Both the first reading and the Gospel passage for this Sunday are “weather-related,” a common enough phrase today relating to events outside of one’s control and...

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August 6th: God’s Glory 

Another glorious view of the Chama canyon is posted today, as the Church celebrates the Transfiguration of the Lord on the Mountaintop, traditionally identified with Mount Tabor in the Holy Land. In ages past a Benedictine monastery existed on Mount Tabor, but today...

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— The Rule of St. Benedict

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