We are finally getting some rain and are very grateful for the gift. Roses are blooming in the cloister garden and Easter lilies are lining up nicely for a third flowering. The first was at Eastertime, the second was in late Spring, and now the third in mid-Summer.
One recent afternoon downpour caused some serious washouts along Forest Service Road 151, leading to the Monastery, but repairs have already occurred and the road is dry again.
We are now getting vocational inquiries from some American men, and some are making preliminary visits here to see our life more closely. We pray that some may eventually enter for further discernment and formation as Benedictine monks. Please pray for all those men and women discerning a call to religious and monastic life at this time. Thank you.
Be assured of our prayers for your needs and intentions.
Blessed new week now beginning.
Abbot Christian and the monks