Today’s photo is another view from atop the mesa behind and above our monastery buildings. Clouds are forming, but we still await the arrival of rain, very much needed in the great Southwest.
It is hard to believe we are already in mid-August and celebrating the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We keep the day with a Sunday schedule and no official work assignments, apart from cooking, washing dishes and tending to Guesthouse linens. The Liturgy of the Hours and the Mass are more solemnly celebrated than usual and the monastic church decorated to suit the occasion.
Eastern Catholic and Orthodox Christians have a beautiful tradition of “leave-taking” after a Solemnity, that is, the day following the celebration itself. The “leave-taking” is less solemn than on the feast day, but is a way of prolonging the celebration, such as the Assumption of Mary, and even saying “goodbye” to the great celebration just past.
With this comes our greetings and prayers. We are grateful for yours as well.
Abbot Christian and the monks