We are enjoying an abundance of new life in the Chama Canyon wilderness. Today’s photo shows one of the signs of this, three flowering trees and one “still on the way” in our cloister garden.
The warm daytime temperatures indicate that there is unlikely to be any more chilly temperatures at night, even though our buildings are heated in the colder months.
The Sacred Season of Paschaltide (Easter) continues, and we are now in the Fourth Week of Easter. We are still singing many “Alleluias” in the course of day at the Divine Office and at the Conventual Mass. Alleluia is the characteristic cry of Easter, translated as, “God be praised,” but fortunately left in its original Hebrew form: “Alleluia.”
We assure you of our daily prayers and of our gratitude for all who do good for us. Please keep us in your prayers. Thank you and God bless you.
Abbot Christian and the monks