Abbot's Archives

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Fourth Sunday of Lent, Year B

Scripture Readings: Second Book of Chronicles 36:14-16, 19-23; Ephesians 2:4-10; John 3:14-21 This Sunday’s Gospel passage is part of the dialogue of Jesus with Nicodemus, a Jewish Pharisee and religious leader, who had come to Jesus expressing a sincere, though...

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March 4th: All You Winds, Bless the Lord

A sure sign that Spring cannot be far off in this part of the country is the arrival of regular daytime winds, sometimes gusting to twenty or more miles per hour. The beautiful canticle from the Old Testament Book of Daniel, chapter 3, is an invitation to recognize...

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Third Sunday of Lent, Year B

Scripture Readings: Exodus 20:1-17; First Corinthians 1:22-25; Matthew 2:13-25 This Sunday's Gospel recounts Jesus “cleansing the Jerusalem Temple,” as it is often called. This event took place at the approach of the annual Passover celebration, which recounts God's...

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Second Sunday of Lent, Year B

Scripture Readings: Genesis 22:1-18; Romans 8:31-34; Mark 9:2-10 I like to call the first Sunday of Lent, “Christ in the Desert Sunday,” for its emphasis on the mystery of our Lord’s temptations in the solitude of the Judean desert. The second Sunday of Lent I call...

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February 20th: Brother Orchid

An easily overlooked but worthwhile black and white film from 1940 is called BROTHER ORCHID, starring Edgar G. Robinson. It tells the fictional tale of mob boss Little John Sarto, played by Robinson, who gives up his turf to another mobster, played by Humphrey Bogart....

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First Sunday of Lent, Year B

Scripture Readings: Genesis 9: 8-15; First Letter of Peter 3:18-22; Mark 1:12-15] Last Wednesday we began the season of Lent, a favorable or opportune time, inspired by Scriptural references that speak of returning to God as something completely desirable and...

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February 14th: Lent Has Begun

The Holy Season of Lent has begun and we monks, along with all Christians, see it as a special time of prayer, fasting and good works. Saint Benedict says a monk's life should always have about it a "Lenten character," implying some degree of asceticism and sacrifice...

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Ash Wednesday and Holy Lent

Scripture Readings: Book of the Prophet Joel 2:12-18; Second Corinthians 5:20-6:2; Gospel According to Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18. The readings for Mass today set the tone for the entire season of Lent which we now begin. Keep in mind the word “Lent” comes from the same...

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February 11th: Surprise Snow

Over the night of February 10th--the Lunar New Year 2024--we received a generous amount of snow in the Chama Canyon Wilderness. We are grateful for any amount of moisture in the desert Southwest. Last night's snowfall measured in at about half a foot. This morning we...

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Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year B

Scripture Readings: Book of Leviticus 13:1-2; 45-46; First Corinthians 10:31-11:1; Gospel According to Saint Luke 1:40-45 This Sunday’s Gospel describes the miraculous cure of a man afflicted with the dread disease of leprosy. An outcast of society is brought back to...

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Fifth Sunday In Ordinary Time, Year B

Scripture Readings: Job 7:1-4; 6-7; First Corinthians 9: 16-19, 22-23; Gospel According to Saint Mark 1:29-39 The Gospel passage for this Sunday presents us again with the first stages of the public ministry of Jesus. Having cast out evil spirits and preached in the...

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January 31st: Chapter Room

Every day, rain or shine, we monks gather in the chapter room at 8:30 am. There we hear announcements from the Abbot or if another monk has an announcement, such as a request for help in a work project or a request for prayers for someone in need, a family member or...

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January 27th: Beauty in Simplicity

Men, including monks, are not always famous for "clutter-free" environments, but we try to do so here, with some areas in the Monastery better at this than others. For us, the corridors within the cloister, connecting our various buildings, are an opportunity to...

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January 25th: Good Chefs

While we're neither a hotel nor a spa, we do routinely enjoy healthy and savory meals, prepared by our monks. In today's photo, Brother Chrysostom (who wears many hats here), and Father Zachary (who also wears many hats here), are preparing lunch, stuffed peppers. We...

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Fourth Sunday In Ordinary Time, Year B

Scripture Readings: Book of Deuteronomy 18:15-20; First Corinthians 7:32-35; Gospel According to Mark 1:21-28 The three Scripture readings assigned for this Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time speak about being attentive and listening to the prophet whom God will send (the...

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January 22nd: Winter Cactus

Popularly called "Christmas Cactus" (technically termed Schlumbergera), because they usually bloom around Christmas time, we have several of these potted plants inside, flowering nicely just now. They are all in front of large (double-paned) windows along our cloister...

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January 20th: Having A Hay Day

During the winter months, our livestock (sheep, donkey and horses) depend on hay we purchase from local ranchers, some of which is on display in today's photo, ready to be stored at the "Good Shepherd Inn," as we call our sheep and donkey barn. Sometimes the...

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January 19th: Abundance of Sun

While nighttime temperatures in the Chama Canyon can drop to freezing or lower during December and January, thankfully after sunrise they can rise to the mid or high 40s by noon. We are blessed with an abundance of sun throughout the year, and no less so in the winter...

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Third Sunday In Ordinary Time, Year B

Scripture Readings: Book of Jonah 3:1-5,10; First Corinthians 7: 29-31; Gospel According to Saint Mark 1:14-20 The Christmas Season has ended and the Season of Lent is still some weeks off. We are once again in “Ordinary Time,” as it’s called, and the focus of the...

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January 10th: New Prior at La Soledad Monastery, Mexico

Abbot Christian has named Brother Elias Sanchez Chavez as the new Prior of the Monastery of Our Lady of Solitude (La Soledad), near San Miguel de Allende, in the State of Guanajuato, Mexico. Brother Elias succeeds Father Ezequiel Bas Luna, who has served as Prior of...

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"Let everyone that comes be received as Christ."

— The Rule of St. Benedict

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