Study the Holy Rule of St. Benedict
Introduction to Study the Holy Rule of Saint Benedict and Abbot Philip Lawrence’s accompanying commentary.
St. Benedict’s Rule for monastic living has been soul inspiring and formative for countless numbers of persons who have lived as monks, nuns, priests, deacons, teachers, parish workers, seekers of holiness, and so many others. It has been a guidebook on the path of Christian discipleship but also helpful to all people desiring to live a good life, one that contributes to our global community.
The Monastery of Christ in the Desert has had the inestimable advantage of the leadership of Father Abbot Philip Lawrence, OSB, for 40 years. He has been the “Father” of our community and responsible for assisting all those who have lived in our Monastery to find their vocation in life. This always involves the realization that any vocation to which we are called by God is one of service, love, and obedience to the Lord.
St. Benedict’s Rule seems in its first appearance to be rather simple to understand and follow. It is all that, of course, but looking at it with any kind of perceptive depth quickly reveals that so much more is present. St. Benedict has been honored as a spiritual guide par excellence for centuries and that stems from what is contained and obtained in his Rule. Therefore, Father Abbot Philip has done us the great service of writing an extensive commentary on every part of the Rule. He brings to this task his own intellectual development and most importantly, his own spiritual experience of facing and growing from the challenges encountered in any life that faithfully seeks God.
We are pleased to offer the texts of the Rule itself, accompanied by the commentary on those by Father Abbot Philip. May you receive from these the grace to grow ever closer to God and one another.
- Prologue Verse 1-7
- Prologue Verse 8-14
- Prologue Verse 14-21
- Prologue Verse 22-34
- Prologue Verse 35-44
- Prologue Verse 45-50
- Chapter 1: The Kinds of Monks
- Chapter 2: Qualities of the Abbot
- Chapter 3: Summoning the Brothers for Counsel
- Chapter 4: The Tools for Good Works
- Chapter 5: Obedience
- Chapter 6: Restraint of Speech
- Chapter 7: Humility
- Chapter 8: The Divine Office at Night
- Chapter 9: The Number of Psalms at the Night Office
- Chapter 10: The Arrangement of the Night Office in Summer
- Chapter 11: The Celebration of Vigils on Sunday
- Chapter 12: The Celebration of the Solemnity of Lauds
- Chapter 13: The Celebration of Lauds on Ordinary days
- Chapter 14: The Celebration of Vigils on the Anniversaries of Saints
- Chapter 15: The Times for Saying Alleluia
- Chapter 16: The Celebration of the Divine Office During the Day
- Chapter 17: The Number of Psalms to be Sung at These Hours
- Chapter 18. The Order of the Psalmody
- Chapter 19: The Discipline of Psalmody
- Chapter 20: Reverence in Prayer
- Chapter 21: The Deans of the Monastery
- Chapter 22: The Sleeping Arrangements of the Monks
- Chapter 23: Excommunication for Faults
- Chapter 24: Degrees of Excommunication
- Chapter 25: Serious Faults
- Chapter 26: Unauthorized Association with the Excommunicated
- Chapter 27: The Abbot’s Concern for the Excommunicated
- Chapter 28. Those Who Refuse to Amend After Frequent Reproofs
- Chapter 29: Readmission of Brothers Who Leave the Monastery
- Chapter 30: The Manner of Reproving Boys
- Chapter 31: Qualifications of the Monastery Cellarer
- Chapter 32: The Tools and Goods of the Monastery
- Chapter 33: Monks and Private Ownership
- Chapter 34: Distribution of Goods According to Need
- Chapter 35: Kitchen Servers of the Week
- Chapter 36: The Sick Brothers
- Chapter 37: The Elderly and Children
- Chapter 38: The Reader for the Week
- Chapter 39: The Proper Amount of Food
- Chapter 40: The Proper Amount of Drink
- Chapter 41: The Times for the Brothers’ Meals
- Chapter 42: Silence After Compline
- Chapter 43: Tardiness at the Work of God or at Table
- Chapter 44: Satisfaction by the Excommunicated
- Chapter 45: Mistakes in the Oratory
- Chapter 46: Faults Committed in Other Matters
- Chapter 47: Announcing the Hours for the Work of God
- Chapter 48: The Daily Manual Labor
- Chapter 49: The Observance of Lent
- Chapter 50: Brothers Working at a Distance or Traveling
- Chapter 51: Brothers on a Short Journey
- Chapter 52: The Oratory of the Monastery
- Chapter 53: The Reception of Guests
- Chapter 54: Letters or Gifts for Monks
- Chapter 55: The Clothing and Footwear of the Brothers
- Chapter 56: The Abbot’s Table
- Chapter 57: The Artisans of the Monastery
- Chapter 58: The Procedure for Receiving Brothers
- Chapter 59: The Offering of Sons by Nobles or by the Poor
- Chapter 60: The Admission of Priests to the Monastery
- Chapter 61: The Reception of Visiting Monks
- Chapter 62: The Priests of the Monastery
- Chapter 63: Community Rank
- Chapter 64: The Election of an Abbot
- Chapter 65: The Prior of the Monastery
- Chapter 66: The Porter of the Monastery
- Chapter 67: Brothers Sent on a Journey
- Chapter 68: Assignment of Impossible Tasks to a Brother
- Chapter 69: The Presumption of Defending Another in the Monastery
- Chapter 70: The Presumption of Striking Another Monk at Will
- Chapter 71: Mutual Obedience
- Chapter 72: The Good Zeal of Monks
- Chapter 73: This Rule Only a Beginning of Perfection
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