Number 19 of the General Instruction of the Liturgy of the Hours speaks of the Office as a “source of devotion” or piety, a means of gaining God’s many graces and deepening one’s personal life of prayer. Hence, the Opus Dei becomes an important activity for those who pray the Office, ever calling one’s attention back to God, the center of our existence. As God’s creatures and saved by God, we have a special duty to praise God and deepen our communion with the Holy Trinity. The psalms and other scripture as well as non-biblical texts of the Divine Office are excellent help in this work. Regarding the psalms, the General Instruction of the Liturgy of the Hours states: “The origin of these verses [of the psalms] gives them great power to raise the mind to God, to inspire devotion, to evoke gratitude in times of favor, and to bring consolation and courage in times of trial” (#100).
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- Opus Dei: The Divine Office
- Early Monastic Office
- Divine Office Today
- Theology of the Opus Dei
- The Eight Daily Prayer Periods
- Vigils, the Night Office
- Lauds, the Morning Office
- The Office of Prime
- The Offices of Terce, Sext, and None: the Remaining Little Hours
- Vespers
- Compline
- Symbolism of the Various Hours of the Divine Office
- The Hymns of the Divine Office
- Approach to the Psalms
- Relation Between the Liturgy of the Hours and the Holy Eucharist
- Harmony of Mind and Voice
- Toward a Theology and Spirituality of the Opus Dei
- The Opus Dei As Liturgy
- The Spirit of the Monastic Office
- Spirituality of Communion
- Characteristics of a Spirituality of the Divine Office
- A Spirituality of Eucharistic (or Thanksgiving) Praise
- In the Presence of God
- In the Fear of the Lord
- Voice and Heart in Harmony
- Fountain of Christian Life
- Fountain of Piety or Devotion
- Fountain of Holiness
- Conclusion
"Let everyone that comes be received as Christ."
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