The Benedictine Monastery of Santa Maria y Todos Los Santos is located in the State of Veracruz, Mexico, about four hours south and east of Mexico City. There are twelve monks in the community, coming from various parts of Mexico.
Like La Soledad, Santa Maria is a dependent monastery of Christ in the Desert. Both communities are working toward eventually becoming independent or autonomous communities within the world-wide Benedictine Confederation.
Abbot President Guillermo and Abbot Christian have been with the monks of Santa Maria for the last several days and have greatly enjoyed participating in the daily life of the monks, especially the celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours throughout each day and the Conventual Mass each morning.
Later this week Abbot President Guillermo will be going to his monastery in Columbia for some weeks, then back the Subiaco Cassinese Congregation headquarters (Curia) in Rome. Abbot Christian will be back at Christ in the Desert this Thursday.
We extend thanks and prayers to our two fervent monasteries in Mexico, where prayer and work, lectio divina and hospitality take pride of place are at the center of their lives.
Ad multos annos fratres nostros.
Abbot Christian and the monks