Currently we are getting some gentle rain, which of course is always welcome, as it reduces the risk of forest fires and nourishes the earth. In addition, the perennial Spring flowers, such as daffodils, tulips and hyacinths, benefit from the rain and are blooming nicely in the cloister garden.
Our Brother Chrysostom is now completing the “Monastic Formators Program” in Rome, which lasts almost three months. Brother will be returning here in early June. He has been living at the international Benedictine headquarters in Rome, the Abbey of Sant’ Anselmo on the Aventine Hill, with twenty-five other monks and nuns from around the world who are working in the area of forming new members in their respective monasteries.
Father Zachary is preparing for solemn vows in June, and he will be the fourth monk to make solemn vows here over the past four years. We are delighted with these solid additions to our monastic chapter of solemnly professed monks, and are expecting some men to begin their time of initial formation as observers and postulants soon. Please keep all of them in your prayers. Thank you.
As we continue our fifty-days celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection, we assure you of our continued prayers. Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!
Abbot Christian and the monks