The commemoration of St. Amos, the prophet.
At the monastery of Mar Saba in Palestine, in 794, St. Stephen, the nephew of St. John Damascene, with whom he entered that monastery at an early age. Stephen served in the community in various capacities until he was 32, then became a hermit. He was a wise and compassionate guide for others, had the gift of healing, and was very fond of animals.
In 1046, at Borgo San Donnino, near Parma, St. Guy, abbot. After spending time as a hermit, he joined the monastery of Pomposa, and when the abbot resigned to become a hermit, Guy became abbot. He invited St. Peter Damian to spend two years at the monastery teaching sacred scripture.
In 1945, at Ravensbrück, Germany, Blessed Natalie Tulasiewicz. She was a school teacher with an advanced degree in Polish literature. When the Nazis took prisoners of war from Poland to work in Germany, she voluntarily moved to Hanover, where she worked in a factory and organized religious activities for the prisoners. She was arrested and tortured, then taken to Ravensbrück, where again she organized religious activities. On Good Friday, she gave a talk on Christ’s Passion and Resurrection; two days later she was executed in the gas chamber.
Our daily martyrology was written by Fr. Hugh Feiss, OSB. Copyright © 2008 by the Monastery of the Ascension, Jerome, ID 83338.