Flowers are beginning to “take off” in our cloister garden, but we have some indoor flora as well. In some parts of the world morning glories are almost on a par with weeds, but in our high desert setting, they are welcome additions.
Some years ago Brother David placed a large tree branch in a pot and planted morning glories, which quickly tangled around the tree branch. Reseeded in the fall, the vines come up again each Spring and provide a pleasant sight as we go to and come from church and refectory many times each day. Today’s photo illustrates the point.
We are experiencing very pleasant weather these days, and the road leading to the Monastery, Forest Service Road 151, is dry. We try to keep the road conditions updated on our website for the benefit of those thinking of making the trek to our home.
May the month of June, dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, be an enjoyable one for all taking vacations or Summer breaks during this month.
Be assured of our prayers and please keep us in yours. Thank you.
Abbot Christian and the monks