Each Summer we are invited by the Church to commemorate in a special way a goodly number of saints.
On June 24th, just as Summer dawns, we celebrate the Nativity (birth) of Saint John the Baptist, “the last of the prophets,” as he is often called. That day is also the founding anniversary of our Monastery of Christ in the Desert, which took place on June 24th, 1964. We are now 59 years old!
On June 29th, the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul occurs, the two great “pillars of faith” in Jesus Christ.
On July 11th we rejoice in remembering our Holy Father Saint Benedict, called the “Father of Western Monasticism,” because of his influential “Rule for Monasteries,” written in the mid sixth century, and still being followed by Benedictine monks and nuns around the world.
Of course, also in the Summer months is United States Independence Day, on July 4th, which we also keep as a special day of celebration.
We wish all of our families and friends a blessed and joyful Summer. We keep you in our prayers and are grateful for yours.
Abbot Christian and the monks