Each Friday afternoon during Lent, at 4:00 pm, we monks gather to pray the Way (also called the Stations) of the Cross.

This ancient sacramental of the Church is a reinactment in prayer, and the action of walking, the way that Jesus followed to his death on the hill of Calvary on the first Good Friday. The Way of the Cross we pray and walk takes about 40 minutes.

We have the fourteen Stations of the Cross depicted in metal which hang on the wall of the corridor that leads from our chapter room to the church.

This week we used as the formal guide for the Stations a mediation written by Saint Alphonus Liguori, Italian priest and founder of the Redemptorist Order. Alphonus lived from 1696 to 1787. We use other meditations as well, prepared in booklet form, on a rotation basis.

For our Way of the Cross, one of our priests is the leader of the service, one monk carries a crucifix and two others carry candles.