We are praying for snow or rain, and there is a chance of it appearing soon, so say the forecasters. For this reason, in anticipation, we post a photo of “silence made visible,” as the Swiss philosopher Max Picard (1888-1965) described snow in his book, “World of Silence.”
Today’s photo is of our cloister garden, the area where the monks have their rooms, (called “cells”!). The photo is of some time ago, when it actually snowed! Hope springs eternal, as they say, and we trust the Lord will send some moisture sooner or later. Ran or snow would be most welcome.
The cold snap we and much of the nation has been experiencing lately has now subsided, for which we are grateful, and while January is never “warm” here, at least it is not so cold. Day time temperatures have been reaching to nearly 50 degrees Fahrenheit, and at dawn hovering around freezing.
Be assured of our prayers and please keep us in yours. Thank you for your support and care.
Abbot Christian and the monks