We are blessed with some excellent cooks and bakers among the brothers. One such example is found in today’s photo, apple pies for this Sunday, January 19th.
The pies will be enjoyed at the Sunday evening meal, when the monks gather for a less formal supper, which includes talking and enjoying one another’s company. In monastic parlance, it’s called “recreation.”
Our other gatherings for meals throughout the week are in silence. The weekday midday meal includes listening to a portion of Sacred Scripture (the Bible), as well as the Rule of Saint Benedict and the lives of the saints. A book or article of interest is also part of what is called “table reading” during meals. Breakfast and supper are always simply taken in silence.
Our recently installed convection ovens are functioning very well and much appreciated by the cooks. They can count on more accurate temperatures and cooking times, features that make the task of cooking a little easier.
Be assured of our daily prayers for the needs and intentions of our families, friends, benefactors and oblates. Please pray for us. Thank you.
Abbot Christian and the monks