We continue our celebration of the Christmas Octave and also recall that we are drawing very close to the end of the civil year 2024. In the Church’s liturgical calendar, January 1st, the beginning of the New Year, is kept as the Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God. We will place the new year 2025 under her protection and intercession.
For us monks, January 1st will also be a time to recount the many blessings we have received over the past year, including two monks who made solemn profession. We are also preparing for a number of men considering our way of life who will come here soon for their first visits to observe our monastic life. Please pray that they and we may discern well for their possible call to Benedictine monastic life.
Today’s photo is of a relatively small stained glass window in the church of the “Holy Cave ” (Sacro Speco) of Saint Benedict at Subiaco, Italy, one of Europe’s most beautiful shrines.
A blessed and joyous Christmastide! Be assured of prayers and please pray for us. Thank you.
Abbot Christian and the monks