This past week we were greatly blessed by the presence and two daily conferences given to us by Abbot Marion Nguyen, OSB, abbot of Saint Martin’s Abbey, Lacey, Washington, a Benedictine monastery belonging to the American Cassinese Congregation.

Our annual monastic retreat this year under Abbot Marion’s direction took place from November 4th to the 9th. Our Guesthouse was closed during those days, offering more solitude and silence for the monks.

Some years the weather is great during our community retreat, usually held in November, but this year it was characterized by snow! Moisture in any form is always welcome here, so, as much as we might like to, we can’t complain at this year’s early arrival of colder weather and snow.

Abbot Marion’s retreat conferences, each lasting about half and hour, were presented at 8:45 am and 5:15 pm, in our chapter room. The morning conference was after Mass and the evening conference before Vespers.

The topics covered by Abbot Marion touched on various aspects of our common monastic journey, with special emphasis given to the “Twelve Steps of Humility” of Saint Benedict and the “Twelve Steps of Pride” of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. Many personal stories from Abbot Marion’s life held our attention and were perfect for making the points he wished to convey.

Abbot Marion was born in Vietnam, but came to the United States with his family when he was a youngster. Before becoming a Benedictine monk, he was a diocesan priest and pastor.

We are very grateful for the days Abbot Marmion was here and for his guiding our 2024 community retreat.

Be assured of our prayers and we keep you in our prayers.

Abbot Christian and the monks