Abbot Christian and seventy other Benedictine abbots and elected monk-delegates from around the world are currently assembled at the Abbey of Montserrat in Spain for the General Chapter of our Subiaco Cassinese Congregation.
The General Chapter began on August 30th and ends on September 7th. These meetings typically take place every four years, though it has been eight years since the last one, due to the covid pandemic.
Montserrat Abbey is about twenty-five miles from the city of Barcelona, in the Catalonian region of Spain. It is a thriving pilgrimage place, set in a beautiful corner of the globe. The monastic community at the shrine numbers some forty-five monks.
The principal object of devotion of Montserrat is the Black Madonna statue, pictured below. The statue is situated high above the altar of the abbey church, but one can be very close to the statue, accessible by a narrow corridor and staircase leading up to the image, which is about four feet tall.
Among other matters pertaining to our Subiaco Cassinese Congregation, the election of a new Abbot President will take place later this week.
Prayers are appreciated for the guidance of the Holy Spirit for the deliberations of the General Chapter. Thank you and be assured of my prayers.
Abbot Christian