Late morning on Thursday, September 19th, the Congress of Benedictine Abbots came to a close.
Ten days of prayer and worship, listening, thinking, speaking, learning, voting, eating(!), as well as resting, were the order of the day by the two hundred twenty-five superiors (abbots and Priors) of Benedictine monasteries from around the world.

See our previous News Page listings for more details.

Old friends reunited, new friendships were forged, and the Congress seems to have been a success, though that is something difficult to concretely measure. Hopefully most or even all have begun their journeys home with positive memories of the event, which is held every four years.

The final meal, after midday Mass on Thursday, September 20th, was very festive and delicious. The dedicated cooking staff at Sant’Anselmo surprised the Congress participants with a gigantic cake and champagne to conclude the meal and gathering. See today’s photo for evidence of that.

Signore Antonio (in tall white chef’s hat) has been head cook at Sant’Anselmo for forty years and shows no signs of slowing down. Ad multos annos, Chef Antonio! All the meals these past days were excellent in every way.

A heartfelt thanks to all those who made the Congress of Abbots possible and a smooth-running and spiritually profitable time.

Prayers are in order for our new Abbot Primate Jeremias Schroder and his numerous assistants for the coming eight years.

With prayers and greetings from the Eternal City.

Abbot Christian Leisy, OSB