Our cloister garden always has roses blooming during the Summer months, and the one in today’s photo is in full bloom just hours before the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary celebrated this Thursday, August 15th.
One of Mary’s most popular titles is “Mystical Rose,” (Rosa Mystica in Latin). According to Blessed Cardinal John Henry Newman (who lived from 1801 to 1890) Mary is “the Queen of spiritual flowers; and therefore she is called the Rose, for the rose is fitly called of all flowers the most beautiful.”
A Christmas hymn of old expresses the idea thus: “Behold a Mystical Rose from thorny stem hath sprung. All hail, O Morning Star, who brought blessed Light from afar, to dispel the darkness of night, to illumine our path with your Light.” The Light, of course, is the Lord Jesus Christ. The hymn goes on to say: “Behold the Cause of our joy, who bore the infinite Child. Through you, Salvation came; all praised and blest be your name.”
As we continue the Summer journey, when in fact the days are already diminishing in daylight, may we be encouraged in the belief that in Christ the darkness of night is dispelled by the gift of eternal life! May Mary, the Mystical Rose, pray for us in all our needs.
With assurance of our prayers and we are grateful for yours.
Abbot Christian and the monks