As promised, here is a photo of our Chama Canyon Wilderness, taken recently from the front of our church, looking toward the Chama River to the west. Generous rains of late have provided us with much green pastureland and around the Monastery in general. The rainy or “monsoon” season here is typically July and August, and this year has received more rainfall than recent Summers. We are grateful for the reduction in the possibly of forest fires, and the general nourishment for the land that the rain provides.
Our Brothers Chrysostom and Savio, both solemnly professed monks, have begun their philosophy studies, leading eventually to the study of theology. Brother Chrysostom is enrolled at Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Connecticut and Brother Savio at Saint Joseph Seminary College in Louisiana. Please keep them in your prayers as they pursue higher studies for the enrichment of our monastery and their personal lives.
We are preparing for major roof repairs at our main Guesthouse beginning in September, so our Guesthouse will be closed for the month. Day visitors and pilgrims are still welcome here during September.
May the continuation of Summer be a time of refreshment, and for those who have begun classes again, may you have a successful academic year 2024-2025.
Be assured of our gratitude and prayers.
Abbot Christian and the monks