May is the month traditionally dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. One of the flowers typically associated with May as well as with Mary, is the lilac. It’s color and fragrance are a pleasure to behold.
Our most hearty lilac bush is at our Saint Benedict Ranch House, now part of our guest facilities. Originally the building was used by our founders from 1964 until the early 70s as the main place for common activities.
One room at the Ranch House was the chapel; another was the refectory; a third room was the kitchen and one was a guest room. Today three of the rooms are arranged for double occupancy for guests and one room is divided into a small sitting room and bathroom.
As Spring continues full force in the Northern Hemisphere, we think of those in the Southern Hemisphere where Autumn is unfolding.
We offer our prayers for all those in need at this time and for the special intentions of our relatives, friends, benefactors and oblates.
Abbot Christian and the monks