Our flock of sheep has almost doubled with the birth of ten new lambs this Spring, bringing us up to twenty-three lambs. Our poultry flock also has grown with the hatching of seven chicks a couple of weeks ago. Some of the newly hatched are pictured here with their attentive and protective mom, Penny.

We now have forty-five chickens, providing us with about thirty eggs a day. At present that is more eggs than we can consume, so we are sharing the bountiful harvest with others.

Our farmyard, consisting of several fenced pastures, is now being irrigated regularly, as the weather warms and the grass emerges anew. The Abbotsfield and Prior’s Pasture are getting additional fencing to encourage a better rotation of where the sheep and guard-donkey Matty can graze. The chickens have their own spacious yard to roam and run in all day long, but at night they are put in their coop, dedicated to Saint Brigid of Kildare. Coopside no preditor can reach them.

May the Lord increase our love for one another and all God’s creatures, great and small!

Abbot Christian and the monks