Our flowering crab apple tree, located in our cloister garden, is now in full bloom. The tree was planted not long after the 1996 dedication of the cloister garden and surrounding cells (bedrooms) of the monks. That makes the tree twenty-five years old, and while not gigantic, it is some twenty feet tall.

Because we do not live in the midst of Sahara-like sandunes, sometimes we’re told, “you don’t live in the desert!” We usually respond that a desert designation is not about sandunes, but a lack of annual rainfall. For that we certainly qualify. In addition, because of our high elevation of 6,500 feet above sea level, our setting is called an Alpine Desert.

In any case, we live in the midst of a beautiful corner of God’s creation, for which we are eternally grateful.

Be assured of our continued prayers and please keep your brothers of Christ in the Desert in your prayers. Thank you.

Abbot Christian and the monks