Today the Church recounts the special role of Saint Peter the Apostle. As the head of the Apostles of Jesus, Peter was entrusted by Jesus with the mission of guiding the flock of the Lord. The Lord said, “You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church” (Gospel of Saint Matthew 16:18).

As members of Christ’s Body on earth, the sheep whom Jesus guides, some are entrusted with guiding the flock and striving for unity among the fold. That was the task of Saint Peter and carried on to the present in the person of our current Pope Francis.

The stained-glass window below, in the church of San Jose, in Los Ojos, New Mexico, illustrates the moment when Jesus entrusted to Saint Peter the role of Chief Shepherd of the Universal Church and when Saint Peter was handed the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Saint Peter the Apostle, pray for us.

Abbot Christian and the monks of Christ in the Desert