Every day at the Conventual Mass, the reading of the Gospel is preceded by a solemn Gregorian chant Alleluia, in order to raise our minds and hearts to better hear the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ, which the Gospel always proclaims.

On Sundays and Solemnities, the Gospel proclamation is more festive by the inclusion of a procession with incense and candles, preceding the priest monk who will sing the Gospel. The procession begins at the altar and goes in the direction of the lecturn, where the Gospel is sung.

Before the chanting of the Gospel passage, though, the priest incenses the specially bound “Book of the Gospels,” opened to the text of the Day.

The photo below was taken at the incensation of the Book of the Gospel at the Conventual Mass on Sunday, January 3rd.

May this be a blessed week of prayer and work for all, monks and friends alike.

Be assured of our continued prayers.