The Chama Canyon Wilderness where the Monastery is situated is a geological wonderland. Any direction you turn is a sight to behold and staggering in its beauty.

This week we monks are on retreat. We have been blessed with fine half hour conferences twice a day, at 8:30 am and 5:00 pm. Our Retreat Master this year is Father Michael Casagram, Prior of the  Trappist Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani in Kentucky, where the monk and author Thomas Merton lived until his death in 1968.
Because of the present world situation, Prior Michael could not travel here, but modern technology has made it possible to see and hear the Retreat Master via Zoom. Our technologically savvy brothers have made this possible from this end and presumably Trappist techies in Kentucky have done likewise.
The time of retreat affords more time for solitude and Prior Michael has encouraged us to “get outside,” without even a book, to enjoy the wonders of God’s creation in this place where we live.
As usual, retreat days pass very rapidly and we’ll be “back to normal” on Saturday. We are very indebted to Prior Michael for his wisdom and wit in generously sharing with us during this year’s retreat. By the way, he is chief beekeeper in his abbey and has beautifully drawn that fact into a number of his retreat conferences.
You are in our prayers and please keep us in yours.