In 1101, St. Bruno, the founder of the Carthusians. He was a brilliant student at Rheims, Tours and Cologne, and then became director of the school at Rheims. After twenty years at that post he became chancellor of the diocese. After unsuccessfully opposing the unworthy bishop, he decided to become a monk. He and some companions spent time at Molesmes with St. Robert (April 29), but Bruno wanted more solitude. His former pupil St. Hugh of Grenoble (April 1) gave Bruno La Chartreuse. Another former pupil, Pope Urban II, called him to Rome. He founded several communities in Italy, and died at La Torre.
At Agen in southern France, in the third century, the martyrdom of St. Faith. In the fifth century, a basilica was built for her relics at Agen. In the ninth century her relics were stolen and taken to the monastery of Conques on the route to Compostela. She was widely venerated throughout the Middle Ages.
In 1849, in Canada, Blessed Mary-Rose Durocher, She was born in 1811 into a family of ten children, six of whom took vows. In 1843 she founded the Sisters of the Most Holy Names of Jesus and Mary to provide Catholic education in Canada. They operated many schools on the west coast of the United States.
Our daily martyrology was written by Fr. Hugh Feiss, OSB. Copyright © 2008 by the Monastery of the Ascension, Jerome, ID 83338.