In 1680, in Caen, St. John Eudes. He was educated by the Jesuits and joined the Oratorians, where under the tutelage of Charles de Condren he learned the Christocentric spirituality of Bérulle. After working among plague victims for several years, John preached the first of over one hundred six- to eight-week-long missions he undertook on behalf of the poorly evangelized people of Normandy. In 1643 he left he Oratorians and established a seminary in Caen. He promoted devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus as token of Jesus’ sharing in humanity’s nature and suffering.
In 1297, at Brignoles in Provence, St. Louis of Anjou. He was the son of the King of Naples and was held in captivity at Barcelona for seven years. He was tutored by Franciscans and determined to join their order. Pope Boniface VIII finally allowed this, but insisted Louis become bishop of Toulouse. Louis died not long afterward, at the age of 23.
Our daily martyrology was written by Fr. Hugh Feiss, OSB. Copyright © 2008 by the Monastery of the Ascension, Jerome, ID 83338.