In 1614, in Rome, St. Camillus de Lellis. As a youth he served in the army and gambled away his fortune. He spent some time in a hospital, and when he was well, stayed on as a nurse and then administrator. He became a priest and set about establishing his own hospitals. He founded an order which aimed to practice “old-fashioned charity but with up-to-date technical skill.”
About 390, in Nitria, St. Pambo. He was born in Egypt about 303. He was one of the first disciples of St. Ammon (October 4). He was ordained about 340 by St. Macarius of Egypt (January 2) and was known especially for his restraint in speech. He believed that the monastic life and living a charitable life in the world are “both perfect before God. There are other roads to perfection besides being a monk.”
In 1123, St. Bruno of Segni. He studied at Bologna and Siena, and was appointed bishop of Segni by Pope St. Gregory VII (May 25). He worked energetically on behalf of the Gregorian Reform and the First Crusade. After meeting opposition to his reforming efforts, he joined Monte Cassino, where he became abbot in 1107. Paschal II later told him to resign the abbacy and return to his diocese. Bruno was a leading commentator on the Bible.
Our daily martyrology was written by Fr. Hugh Feiss, OSB. Copyright © 2008 by the Monastery of the Ascension, Jerome, ID 83338.