The commemoration of Our Lady of Mount Carmel.
In 784, St. Fulrad, abbot of Saint-Denis near Paris. Besides looking out for his monastery, he was an important advisor to the Carolingian court.
At Einsiedeln, in Switzerland, the commemoration of Our Lady of the Hermits.
1590, Blessed Bartholomew dos Mártires, bishop. He was a Dominican and taught philosophy for many years. He was appointed archbishop of Braga. He made regular pastoral visitations throughout his vast diocese and gave away almost all the money he had to the poor. He wrote a catechism and other books on pastoral practice. At the Council of Trent he was an energetic advocate of reform, and he implemented its reform measures in his diocese before retiring to a Dominican priory.
In 1846, St. Mary-Magdalen (Julie) Postel. She was educated at a Benedictine convent and decided to devote her life to God. She opened a school in her hometown near Cherbourg. During the French Revolution, she made a secret chapel in her home where priests could say Mass. She and some companions started a religious order and took over a dilapidated monastery.
Our daily martyrology was written by Fr. Hugh Feiss, OSB. Copyright © 2008 by the Monastery of the Ascension, Jerome, ID 83338.