In 1902, near Rome, St. Maria Goretti, martyr. Her father died when she was 10, and she took care of her younger siblings while her mother worked in the fields. When she was 12, a twenty-year old neighbor, Alessandro, tried to rape her. When she resisted, he stabbed her. She was taken to the hospital, and died there of her wounds. Before she died, she forgave Alessandro, who repented his sin and testified on behalf of her canonization.
In 1922, at Rome, Blessed Teresa Ledóchowska. Her father was a Polish count, her mother, Swiss; her uncle, a cardinal; her brother, general of the Jesuits; and her sister, founder of a religious order. Interested in the Catholic missions in Africa. Teresa became committed to the abolition of slavery, and devoted her literary gifts to this cause. She founded and joined a religious group, the Sodality of St. Peter Claver, dedicated to the African Missions.
Our daily martyrology was written by Fr. Hugh Feiss, OSB. Copyright © 2008 by the Monastery of the Ascension, Jerome, ID 83338.