In Palestine, the solemnity of the birthday of St. John the Baptist. Because of the special circumstances of his birth, described in the opening chapters of Luke’s Gospel, John’s birthday is celebrated in addition to his death. This is one of the oldest feasts in the church’s calendar. St. Augustine says it is fittingly celebrated at this time of year, when the days start to grow shorter, because John’s task was to decrease so that Christ might increase.
In 1193, St. Bartholomew of Farne, one of Cuthbert’s (March 20) hermit successors on the Farne islands, off Lindisfarne. Bartholomew was born in Whitby, but ordained in Norway. He became a monk at Durham, then went to live in Cuthbert’s cell on Inner Farne. He had some difficulties with two other hermits there, but overall was a cheerful and kindly man.
Our daily martyrology was written by Fr. Hugh Feiss, OSB. Copyright © 2008 by the Monastery of the Ascension, Jerome, ID 83338.