At the monastery of St. Gall, in 912, Blessed Notker, sometimes called “the stammerer". He studied music and letters under three great teachers at the abbey: the Irish monk Marcellus, Radpert, and Tutilo. Notker became a monk and was appointed librarian, guest-master, teacher and master of the abbey school. He is most known for his Book of Hymns, and may have invented the liturgical sequence.
In 1203, in Denmark, St. William of Eskil, abbot. William was a member of the regular canons at Saint-Geneviève in Paris. He was invited by the bishop of Roskilde in Denmark to form monastic life there.
In 1252, St. Peter of Verona, Dominican priest and martyr. Although his parents were Cathars, he was raised a Catholic. He was a popular preacher. Appointed inquisitor in northern Italy, he incurred the enmity of the Cathars. He was murdered by a man who later became a Dominican brother.
In 1957, near Bergamo, Blessed Pierina Morosini, martyr. She was an excellent student, but had to quit school to support her family. She worked in a textile factory and became active in Catholic Action and in her parish. One night on the way home from work she was assaulted; she resisted and was murdered.
Our daily martyrology was written by Fr. Hugh Feiss, OSB. Copyright © 2008 by the Monastery of the Ascension, Jerome, ID 83338.